Chairperson: Bartie Kehoe 087 2664650
Secretary: Barry O'Sulivan 087 9647735
Treasurer: Paddy Murphy 087 2356926

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Dog Trials

The club holds it's annual dog trial on the last sunday before the shooting season on November 1st. Our first trophy was presented to the club by James O'Neill in 1982 and was awarded to the pointer section. The first winner of the trophy was the late Luke Earl and it has been competed for every year since. Our latest winner was Noel Davitt, winning for 2009/2010. 

In 1995, the family of the late Luke Earl presented a trophy to the club in his memory which has been awarded to the Best Springer / Labrador each year since. Teddy Sinnott claimed the trophy for the first time in 1995 and the latest winner was Bartie Kehoe, winning for 2009/2010. 

One of our longest serving members, Jim Kelly passed away in 2004. His daughter Marie Ennet presented a trophy to the club in his honor, which is awarded to the best dog overall on the day of the trials. The first winner of the trophy was Teddy Sinnott and the latest winner was Noel Davitt.

The club also hosts the Wicklow Wexford dog trials, it was first run in Ferns on the 8th and 9th of October 1977. The results were - 1st position - Michael Murphy Ballycanew. Novice stake was won by James Dunne, Kildare.

Ferns has a great relationship with the Wicklow Wexford dog trials association over the years and is always glad to accommodate them.

Longest Bird

Longest Bird Result 2018

The Jack Power Trophy

Longest Bird 2018 - 1

1st. Pat Murphy. 39 1/4”

2nd. Noel Davitt. 37 11/16”

Longest Bird 2018 - 2


Longest Bird 2018 - 3

Longest Bird 2018 - 4

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