Chairperson: Bartie Kehoe 087 2664650
Secretary: Barry O'Sulivan 087 9647735
Treasurer: Paddy Murphy 087 2356926

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About Ferns GPA

Ferns GPA Mission Statement


Ferns & District Game Protection Association (Ferns GPA) was formed on the 01/07/1963 at a meeting held in the Castle Cinema (now the Community Centre) in Ferns. It is an affiliated club to the National Association of Regional Game Councils (NARGC) which was founded in 1968 and is the largest voluntary organisation in Ireland involved in game shooting and conservation. The Ferns GPA club has grown steadily since its formation and it now has over 90 affiliated members making it one of the largest GPA clubs in the country.

The main objectives of the Ferns GPA are as follows:

  • To preserve club lands for the purpose of prohibiting the taking or killing of game, or the pursuit of game thereon by persons other than those authorised by the Club.
  • To develop and improve the game stocks on club lands.
  • To promote the conservation of wildlife and its habitat on club lands.
  • To carry out such programmes of vermin control as the Club may from time to time determine or be officially requested to do.
  • To co-operate with landowners and An Garda Siochána by ensuring the observance of all State laws.

In addition to the above Ferns GPA also provides for and promotes the safe conduct of shooting at inanimate targets for recreation and competition. Is members have participated successfully in Clay Target competitions both at local level and National level and some of its members have represented Ireland in International competitions.

The Ethos of Ferns GPA

Ferns & District GPA is a members club. All members have a vote and the club is run entirely by volunteers. The club will charge fees and make profits from appropriate activities, but such fees and profits are always retained in the club for the implementation of its objectives and the benefit of the members as a whole. The club is not run for the financial benefit of any individual members, officers or principals.  


Ferns GPA as mentioned has a large membership. These members for the most part reside or were previously resident in the area covered by the Club, or drawing their livelihood mainly from within that area. We also have overseas members who were originally from the area and are re-affiliated on an annual basis. The regulations for joining Ferns GPA are based on the rules outlined by the NARGC: 

  • Membership shall be confined to persons either currently residing or previously resident in the area covered by the Club, or drawing their livelihood mainly from within that area.
  • All persons who join Ferns GPA must also to join the N.A.R.G.C.. Compensation Fund and to remain a member of the N.A.R.G.C. Compensation Fund throughout the period of Club membership.
  • All applications for membership must be made in writing to the Club Secretary for approval by the club committee at the time of application.
  • Applicants must agree to abide by the rules of the Club and must satisfy the Club as to their suitability for membership.
  • An application for membership shall be deemed to be accepted if approved by a simple majority of the Club Members present and voting at a Club meeting. Should the Club refuse acceptance of membership the Committee shall not be obliged to give any reasons for such refusal.

Officers and Committee


The Officers and committee of the club are elected on an annual basis at the clubs AGM. The main officers include


Current Club Member


Lockie Murphy

Vice President

Tom Guinan


Bartie Kehoe


Lorcan Murphy


Alf Power

Assistant Secretary



Padraig Bolger

Assistant Treasurer

Paddy Murphy

Safety Officer

Donal Behan

Game Wardens

Tom Guinan, Noel Davitt


All Officers are eligible for re-election each year should they so wish, for an maximum of 3 years in sucession. The positions are open to any club members who may have an interest.The committee is elected annually by club members at the AGM and these persons which includes the officers mentioned above attend regular committee meetings throughout the year to help in the running of the club. 

Affiliation and Membership

Ferns GPA is affiliated to Wexford Regional Games Council which represents the NARGC at regional level. 

Compensation Fund

Ferns GPA arranges for the protection of its members in accordance with the terms of the NARGC Compensation Fund by ensuring that all of its Members at all times are members of the Fund.


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