Chairperson: Bartie Kehoe 087 2664650
Secretary: Barry O'Sulivan 087 9647735
Treasurer: Paddy Murphy 087 2356926

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Rules of Ferns GPA

Rule 1: The name of the Association shall be ''Ferns & District Game Protection Association'' and it shall be open to all persons interested in the aims of the association and residing within the boundary of the association. This will not apply to existing members. Consideration will be given to applications for membership from persons who formerly resided in the area.

Rule 2: The Aims of the association shall be the conservation and propagation of game and wild-fowl in the Ferns district.

Rule 3: The annual subscription to the association shall be decided at the AGM each year and shall be paid not later than 1st June. If not paid by the first of June it will be assumed the member no longer wishes his membership to continue adn must if he so desires, to reapply for membership at the next AGM.

Rule 4: The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by a committee elected at the Annual General Meeting and composed as follows: President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon Treasurer and at least 6 members of a committee shall have powers to co-op additional memebrs at any time if considered desirable and to appoint sub-committees.

Rule 5: The committee may, in addition to above, include a representative from IFA from Macra na Feirme and from such other organised bodies as may be considered desirable by the Annual General Meeting. The representative shall be selected by the body concerned.

Rule 6: All decisions at the Committee and General Meetings shall be made by simple majority vote. In the event of a tie the Chiarman shall have a casting vote.

Rule 7: The committee shall meet at least 6 times a year, on a date and at a venue selected by the Hon. Secretary, but shall meet more often if it is considered desirable by the Chairman, the Hon. Secretary or a quorum of Committee members. A quorum shall consist of 6 members of committee.

Rule 8: The Chair shall be taken at all meetings by the Chairman, or in his absence by the Vice-Chairman. In the event of both being absent a chairman shall be selected from the members present. However at the Annual General Meeting chair may be taken by the president.

Rule 9: The Annual General Meeting shall be held in March each year, but the committee shall have power to call a general meeting at any suitable time to advise memebrs on progress or consult them on matters of special importance. At least three days notice should be given of all general meetings. All members or intending members must attend the AGM or furnish in their absence a satisfactory explanation.

Rule 10: Only members fully paid up for the current year shall have power to vote at a general meeting.

Rule 11: All fully paid members shall be issued with a membership card which should be signed by them. This card should be carried when in pursuit of game, etc., landowner, Gardai and other authorised person or member.

Rule 12: Members shall carefully observe the Game Laws, such as close season, etc. At all times they shall take the greatest care to avoid damage to lands, stock, fences, etc., and shall see that all gates are properly closed after them and shall not shoot in close proximity to farm-yard dwelling houses. A breach of this rule carries an automatic suspension.

Rule 13: It shall be a condition of membership to be a fully paid up member of thr NARGC compensation fund and be insured against personal injury by 31st July. The association shall not be responsible for damage to person or property caused by a member or a person accompanying a member in accordance with Rule 19.

Rule 14: A member considered guilty of serious or continued breaches of the Rules of the association or of conduct considered detrimental to the association may be called before the committee for an explanation. If such explanation proves unsatisfactory, such member may be removed from membership. He shall, however, have a right to appeal to a General Meeting.

Rule 15: The name of prospective members must be approved of by the Committee before membership cards are issued to them. A person may be refused membership without any explanation of the reason of such refusal being given to him.

Shooting Laws

Rule 16: A member may only shoot on Sat. and Sunday plus Bank Holidays and Holidays except in certain circumstances a member may name an alternative day to Saturday. This application must be made in writing to the Secretary before Nov. 1st and cannot be changed during the season.

Rule 17: Bag limit to two birds per gun per day. Three birds per member on opening day.

Rule 18: No more than three guns allowed to each shooting party. Not more than four shots at any one bird.

Rule 19: A member may bring a friend to shoot over grounds of association not more than two days in any year but not before Dec. 1st. then he must notify Chairman or Secretay of his intention to do so. It is the responsibility of such member to ensure that such friend is fully covered by Insurance and the association will not be responsible for any damage caused by such friend to person or property. Such member will be responsible to the association for his guests behaviour.

Rule 20: No person, member or outsider may excercise his dogs on any sanctuary grounds or allow his dogs to stray on such grounds during open and breeding season.

Rule 21: Any member found in pursuit of game on Sanctuary Grounds faces automatic suspension.

Rule 22: The committee reserves the right to use its discretion pertaining to these Rules.

Rule 23: It is a requirement of this association that all new members must Successfully complete an NARGC Proficiency course.

Rule 24: Every member of this association must sell the agreed amount of the Associations Christmas Raffle Tickets and the failure to do so will result in the member being fined.

New Rules passed at AGM 13/03/13

Rule 25: Membership over 80s - An honorary membership of Ferns & Dist GPA for any member having reached the age of 80 years without condition. (Insurance & ticket sales requirements apply as normal)

Rule 26: Cartridge sales/prices - The sale of cartridges or annunition is prohibited and the giving of cartridges or ammunition as prizes for clay shooting events is prohibited at any Ferns & Dist Clay shooting events.

Rule 27: Payment of Fees - Payments of club fees must be  paid by the end of the second collection date. Any club members whos fees are unpaid at the end of the second collection night will be deemed to be no longer a member of Ferns GPA, from their Insurance expiry date. Members will be notified in writing of collection dates and venues for making payments. Payments will not be accepted after the second payment date. Club Fees Payment will only be accepted as one payment and membership and insurance being paid separately is strictly prohibited.







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